What do REAL witches think of their portrayal on tv, film and video games? Find out on The Witch’s Movie Coven. Conjure your popcorn, brew that potion and get ready to talk magickal movies with the best in Witch Biz! Join Patti Negri (The Witching Hour, TFL Overnight, Ghost Adventures ), Heather Greene (Lights, Camera, Witchcraft), Jason Mankey (The Witch's Book of Spellcraft), Courtney Buckley (Scared & Alone) and The Gentleman Psychic Richard-Lael Lillard (Ghost Adventures). New movies, shows and witches each week. Wouldst thou like to watch movies deliciously? Join The Witch’s Movie Coven. We’ll get your movie GOATs. Find us on YouTube @WichesMovieCoven @PattiNegi @TheGentlemanPsychic and on Twitch @TheFeems
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084297085227